Broke straight boys gay porn free download

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The quality overall is pretty good, although of course I'm always one to enjoy a good HD video from time to time over your standard stuff. Older videos tend to be about the same resolution, but with a lower 1 mbps bitrate for their top quality video. Videos are provided at 640x480 and 2 mbps for the top quality, 480x360 and 500 kbps for the next, 240x180 and 200 kbps, and 320x240 and 100 kbps. There is also a Flash streaming option if you prefer not to download at all. From there you have all of the download options, which consist of full scene downloads and clips in Real Player, WMV, and MOV.

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The episode pages give you a good sized thumb, and a massive description of the action. The site updates every two days, so it's no wonder that the collection fills up that quickly.

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I started off thinking that this was just going to be another typical hardcore site, but the combination of exclusive episodes, some truly authentic experimentation, and the help of 1,960 episodes quickly changed my mind. $ 79.87 for 3 months / 90 days (Rebills after every period)īroke Straight Boys doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to these boys - they're going gay for pay, and while they might not have thought they were going to love it, they end up doing so, immensely.

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